This film was a nominee for best picture of 2009. Although I think everyone should see this movie, it is difficult to watch. The film centers around a 16-year-old girl named Clarisse Precious Jones. She is expelled form public high school for being pregnant for the second time. She is enrolled in an alternative education program that will teach her to read and get her GED. Despite the efforts of her new teacher and a social worker brilliantly played by Mariah Carey, Precious’s life continues to worsen chiefly due to her abusive and sociopath mother.
Monique, who plays Precious’s mother, won best supporting actress for this film. She is sickeningly good in this roll. Many times when an award is presented for acting, especially in supporting roles, I feel like they only awarded one because they had to. Mo’Nique truly deserved this award. The passion these actors had for this project is clearly visible in the quality of all the performances. I also really enjoyed the cinematography. Not grand or epic, but unique. Several times I notice the camera suddenly zoom in and then out again. This is not a camera movement that American audiences are not used to seeing. It really makes the viewer feel put on edge and enhances the discomfort with the situations. What is there to say about the story? It is awful, horrific, heartbreaking, sickening, terrible. There are not enough words to describe how this movie makes the viewer feel. This is a hard-hitting film that doesn’t pull any punches.
Entertainment- 4- This is not a feel-good movie. I would not suggest just watching this for fun.
Award-worthy- 9- There are few criticisms to give except that this story of abuse is not new, but it is presented with near cinematic perfection.
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