
484 Nominees: 14 down, 470 to go!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

The Social Network

This Film is about the creation of Facebook and the following controversy.  The real story is trust and betrayal.  The story is told as a series of flashbacks during several court proceedings. 

The film is beautifully performed.  All the actors portray their characters in a brilliant and subtle way.  I liked the way the story moved as far as being reflections on events that have already happened.  I have, however, never liked films about real people who are still living.  First of all, you never know what more that person's story has to tell, but the biggest reason is because when people watch a movie about a person if the events are true doesn't really matter to the viewer.  The person seen on screen, which is a monster born of the writer, director and actor's collaboration, is the person that the viewer takes as the real thing if they haven't met the real person.  I just feel uncomfortable about this.  If it is a person that is long gone, that's fine, but there is a living person that already posses that identity and it's almost like Invasion of the Body Snatchers.

There is nothing really wrong with this film and that might be part of my problem with it.  There is no doubt that it is well-made, but overall I found this film forgettable.

Entertainment- 5-  This film definitely fills a couple hours better than staring at the wall and if you are interested in computers and programming, you might find it more exciting.

Award-Worthy- 6-  This is definitely well made and and very well performed, but I just don't feel it contributes anything new to the history of American film.

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