
484 Nominees: 14 down, 470 to go!

Friday, March 29, 2013

Beautiful Creatures

Ethan(Alden Ehrenreich) is a sixteen-year-old boy living in the tiny town of Gatlin, SC.  He dreams of leaving and experiencing the great world outside.  He also dreams of a mysterious girl every night.  When that girl, Lena, arrives in Gatlin on the first day of his Junior year, his life takes a dramatic turn.  When she shares her closely-guarded secret and the dangers that come with it, he commits himself to her and her world.  But is the danger too great?  Will they be torn apart by forces beyond their control?

This movie is based on the book of the same name by Kami Garcia.  There is a whole series and the studio is hoping this will catch on and make the rest of the films.  I hope they do.  This was a surprise for me.  I had really no expectations going into this movie.  I was expecting Twilight, and in essence that’s what this is.  If Twilight had a plot where things actually happened, characters that were like able and compelling, and a love story that actually makes sense.

This movie was a lot of fun.  It has a lot of humor, but it is also just really well-made.  The music is very good and well-suited to the film.  The setting and costumes are beautiful and the cinematography is interesting enough without being distracting.  There is also a fantastic adult cast, boasting 3 Oscar nominees in Jeremy Irons( won an Oscar), Emma Thompson(won 2 Oscars), and Viola Davis(nominated twice). 

I would recommend this movie to anyone who likes Twilight or any other story of supernatural elements in our own world.  I also would recommend it for anyone who just like a light movie that’s well-made.  The entertainment value is high and so is the quality, which seems to a rare combination these days.  I would also urge anyone interested to see it while it’s still in the theater since it is a beautiful movie to watch. 

Thanks for reading!

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