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Friday, March 29, 2013

The Last Exorcism Part II

This sequel takes place directly after the first movie ended.  After the epically failed exorcism at the end of the last film, Nell, the innocent victim of Abalam the demon, is found alone and nearly feral.  She is sent to a house for young women who need to restart their lives.  For the first time in her life, Nell begins to feel normal, but then strange things begin happening again.  Can the innocent Nell rid herself of Abalam for good?

The first movie was filmed in a documentary style while this one is more of a traditional film style.  I like the idea of following a character after one of the stereotypically ambiguous horror movie endings.  I always wonder, “How does this all this get explained?” and, “What happens now?”   I also thought it was nice that they didn’t use any big name actors.  I prefer it when I don’t really know the actors in a horror movie.  You can kind of forget that they are actors and get more caught up in the suspense, whereas if it’s Angelina Jolie, or something, I am always thinking of this or that other movie she was in. 

I didn’t find the ending to this film particularly innovative or original, but the meat of the film was suspenseful and fun.  There is definitely some good imagery in this one.  Overall I wouldn’t say it stands out as being particularly good or bad.  If you like horror movies, it is definitely worth the watch, but I wouldn’t clear your schedule to make sure you see it or anything.

P.S.  The new movies in the theatre for this week are:
OZ the Great and Powerful  - A sort of prequel to The Wizard of OZ where the Wizard himself is the main character and we see how he comes to OZ and establishes himself there.   Stars James Franco, Michelle Williams, Rachel Weiz and Mila Kunis.   Rated PG
Dead Man Down  -  A woman with prominent facial scars witnesses a murder and decided to hire the murderer to kill the man who maimed her.  Stars Colin Farrel, Noomi Repace, and Terrance Howard.  It is Rated R

Thanks for reading!

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